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On the Issues


Since the Covid-19 pandemic, we’ve all felt prices rise. This is why it is so important for us to elect a member of Congress who will fight hard to lessen the tax burden on middle-class families, protect small businesses, and bring more job opportunities to NJ-03. Throughout my time in the State Assembly, I have been a member of both the Appropriations and Budget Committees. This has allowed me to fight for the priorities of the middle class and help put more money back into the pockets of New Jerseyans. During the pandemic, I supported the “New Jersey Economic Recovery Act of 2020”, which provided $14 billion in relief to small businesses and restaurants. I also supported the creation of the Stay NJ property tax credit program and sponsored the "Manufacturing in Higher Education Act", which promotes manufacturing career pathways for students and will add scores of jobs to the manufacturing industry.


In Congress, I will continue my fight for middle-class families and their financial security because they need all the help that they can get. I will be an advocate for expanding the Child Tax Credit and the state and local tax (SALT) deduction. I also believe in making household needs more affordable and strengthening consumer power. This is why I support the “Shrinkflation Reduction Act of 2024”, which would prohibit corporations from deceptively decreasing the sizes of their products without lowering the price commensurately. It’s policies such as these that will enhance the economic prosperity of NJ-03 and its citizens.

Women's Rights

As a doctor who has made women's health a priority throughout my 25 years in the state Assembly, I was appalled when the Supreme Court overturned Roe v. Wade in June of 2022. Now, the stakes have never been higher. With some Republicans in Congress vowing to pass a national abortion ban, it is imperative that we elect someone with a proven record of defending reproductive health. 


As your next Congressman, I plan on taking my track record in Trenton to our nation's capital. It is of the utmost importance that we codify Roe v. Wade into national law so that we can protect the women of this country and their right to choose. I also plan on introducing and supporting other pieces of legislation that focus on strengthening women's healthcare rights even further. 

This includes legislation such as the “Right to Contraception Act”, introduced by Rep. Kathy Manning (D-NC), which would set out statutory protections for an individual's right to access and a health care provider's right to provide contraception. Should this bill not pass this congress, I would be honored to be an original co-sponsor when it is re-introduced. In the Assembly, I co-sponsored bill A3975 which protected the nondisclosure of certain patient information relating to reproductive healthcare services and protected access to services and procedures related to abortion for certain out-of-state persons. When I’m your Congressman I will continue to fight for such legislation on the national level.


Republicans in Congress have continuously claimed that we have a border crisis on our hands, yet when a comprehensive border package was introduced they refused to support it because Donald Trump said it could cost him the election. I stand with President Biden and his border security plan. In Congress I will support providing the Department of Homeland Security with adequate resources to fulfill their multifaceted border security goals. I believe it’s also extremely important to focus on the humanitarian side of this immigration issue. Most of those coming to America are seeking asylum from oppressive regimes in their home countries. That is why I support providing a pathway to citizenship to those who are seeking better lives for their families. In doing so we need to ensure better efficiency in our immigration court system. This can not be done by cutting funds to the system-- which is what happened this year during our appropriations process. In Congress I will stand behind legislation that requires a written and electronic set of records for each migrant found at the border. This increases efficiency in the legalization process and also helps to deter bad actors from gaining entry into our country.

Lowering Prescription Drug Prices

As a doctor, I find it outrageous that the prices of prescription drugs in the United States are exponentially higher than they are anywhere else in the world. The manufacturer price for any given type of insulin in the US is- at $98.70 per vial which is five to ten times higher than any other developed and high-income country. Insulin is a medical necessity for many Americans who live with diabetes. This is why I supported efforts in the State Assembly to cap co-pays for 30-day supplies of several life-saving drugs- including epinephrine injectors, asthma inhalers, and insulin. As Chair of the Health Committee, I have personally led efforts to create more transparency within New Jersey’s pharmaceutical industry. This includes requiring pharmacy practice sites to document reasons for not filling certain prescriptions and requiring health care practitioners to inform patients of addiction potential of controlled dangerous substances prior to issuing prescriptions. 


Because these issues are so dear to my heart, I will support efforts that take New Jersey’s life-saving drug cost caps to the national level. Issues like these explain why we need to elect someone to Congress who possesses an exemplary knowledge of the pharmaceutical industry and who has a history of fixing complex health policy problems.


We need to make our world better today in order to secure a more prosperous tomorrow, not just for us but for our children. No other issue communicates that message better than the environment. Since I’ve been in the state Assembly I have fought hard to protect and preserve our amazing ecosystem. In this legislative session alone, I have introduced legislation that establishes the "New Jersey Invasive Species Task Force" as well as introduced a bill that provides income tax credits for the purchase of zero-emission lawn equipment. On the national level, I will continue to endorse policies aimed at making us more environmentally secure. This includes funding research aimed at maintaining sustainable environmental practices and supporting legislation to expand access to electric vehicle charging infrastructure in our district.

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